"Just because I've become spiritual doesn't mean I can't love crocodile." - Tom Ford
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@темы: фото, Andrej Pejic, интервью

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Благодарим  taime-alberto за предоставленные сканы)

@темы: статьи, фото, Andrej Pejic, интервью

"Just because I've become spiritual doesn't mean I can't love crocodile." - Tom Ford

shot & edited - Andrew Kuykendall @ LVA+
styling - Kate Erwin
makeup - Tracy Alfajora
hair - Conrad Dornan @ Kate Ryan
staring - Andrej Pejic @ DNA & Trina @ Wilhelmina
song - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

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@темы: видео, фото, Andrej Pejic

"Just because I've become spiritual doesn't mean I can't love crocodile." - Tom Ford

@темы: видео, Andrej Pejic

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Наконец-то показ Готье в хорошем качестве и полной версии.
Несколько запутавшийся в одежке Андруша на 5.59 и с 14.09 в пуховике, швыряющийся клатчем)

И бекстейдж Бараши, где с 1.14 минуты, вы можете поняняшить на взмокшего, запыхавшегося и краснощекого социалиста в цветной арафатке.

@темы: видео, Andrej Pejic

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Стилист Igor srzic cartledge волнуется за Андрушку и считает его очень хорошеньким и что ему нужно телохранителя, ежели попадет на улицы Боснии и Герцоговины, ибо фешн есть фешн, а кежуал пипл может и не понять, как это : был male, а потом уже female model

А в этом просто рассуждает на фоне кадров с Андреем, которых нет в других передачах.

@темы: видео, люди говорят, Andrej Pejic

Если ёжику вывернуть шкуру, и на зад натянуть прочно, он, быть может, не станет пушистым, но нервным и злым - точно...
UPD 17.03.2011
эти фотки уже все видели, а вот видюха с этой рекламой и немного бэкстейдж:

или скачать 17,5 мб:


@темы: видео, фото, Andrej Pejic

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Tall poppy syndrome strikes in snub of model Broady boy
В кратком изложении, в статье с возмущением пишут о том, что Андрея не пригласили на Мельбурнский фестиваль моды, несмотря на то, что агенство и сам Педжич были готовы работать за умеренную зарплату. Автор статьи сетует, что в Австралии существует тенденция очень странно относится к выдающимся, выбившимся за пределы континента землякам. Вообщем, кто владеет английским, прочтите. Статья любопытная.

@темы: статьи, Andrej Pejic



"Just because I've become spiritual doesn't mean I can't love crocodile." - Tom Ford
Andrej Pejic by Anthony Maule for Dazed & Confused April 2011

@темы: фото, Andrej Pejic

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by Grace Gulley
"Androgyny is on the rise—albeit an impossibly slow rise, more of a slugged crawl really. But Andrej Pejic is taking leaps and bounds for this modern movement, and he’s doing it in stilettos.

At first sight, the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. He’s been the case of mistaken identity, and misdirected come ons for some time now. Flirty photographers, amorous admirers, the list goes on…. I mean, how could you not consider him a beautiful being with the smoldering wide-set eyes, long platinum hair, and killer cheek bones. He’s got all the makings of the great supermodels. Well minus one little ‘s’ at the beginning of ‘she’. Regardless, Pejic is a star on the rise.

Andrej jumped into the scene in Australia and made a real splash when he walked in Jean Paul Gaultier’s spring 2011 show. There was instant clamor, people wanted to know who/what this magnificent being was. It wasn’t long before he was walking in Paul Smith, John Galliano and Raf Simons’ shows. Within months he had landed himself a chance to grace one of the most revered publications in the business, French Vogue. The offers are pouring in now. You can see him in both Marc Jacobs and Jean Paul Gaultier’s spring 2011 campaigns.

With the new and unusual, you can always count on backlash. And Andrej’s uber-androgynous look hasn’t been greeted with the kindest reception. I’m sure you can imagine the comments and ridicule that have been directed to our supermodel-on-the-rise, so I’ll abstain from repeating them. But I think Andrej Pejic is someone to look up to. He is living his life and realizing his dreams, despite the naysayers.

If we let other people dictate who we should be and how we should live our life, it’d be a sad world. Freedom to make decisions, lead our own lives and freely express ourself our part of what make our world so great. (Depending on the part of the world you live in I suppose, seeing as some countries place greater restrictions on your freedoms. But that is an entirely different article!) Also, personal expression, makes our world a lot more colorful.

Fashion may take a beating for superimposing this typical idea of beauty into our minds and setting an impossibly high standard for the ‘average’ person. And what I’d say to them is, take a good look at Andrej Pejic. He is tearing down the walls that society wants to use to box us in. Andrej is paving a path for future generations. And he is showing us that you can be whomever you choose to be.

Boys will be girls, girls will be boys, and you can be anybody or anything you want."

@темы: статьи, Andrej Pejic

"Just because I've become spiritual doesn't mean I can't love crocodile." - Tom Ford
Совершенно чудесное кино
story behind the story
“I was fortunate enough to work with Andrej after the grueling week he had of running to fittings and shows. We shot from midnight to 3AM. The Narcissus myth is a theme I’ve wanted to explore for years and when given the opportunity to shoot Andrej, I knew he would be perfect.” – Alexander Hankoff

creditsA Film by Alexander Hankoff
Styling by Rene Garza
Hair & Makeup by Stella Kae
Editing & Special Effects by Nuno Xico & Alexandra Mulcahy
Model(s) Andrej Pejic @ DNA Models

@темы: видео, Andrej Pejic

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Американский журнал Mate 1\2009 № 25.
Я наконец-то это отсканировала. Перевод на днях.

@темы: статьи, Roger Garth

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Перевод будет позже. В кратком пересказе: Андрейка был готов по дешовке стать лицом фестиваля моды у себя дома, а его не взяли, и кто виноват щас разбираются. Директор фестиваля делает круглые глаза, агент Андрушки злорадствует, что уже всЕ, пролет, пока телились Андрея другие зафрахтовали.

"HE’S Australia’s hottest fashion export, having worked with Jean Paul Gaultier, Raf Simons and Marc Jacobs, and he was willing to come home and work for a pittance. So why won’t Andrej Pejic be walking the catwalks at this week’s Melbourne Fashion Festival?
The Broadmeadows teenager who has taken the fashion world by storm had offered to appear at his home-town festival for a reduced fee but his overtures were rejected several times by organisers, insiders say.
”There were sponsors, there were stylists, there were publicity and media people who all wanted Andrej because he’s so hot virtually everywhere,” an industry source said. ”But, for some reason, he was fobbed off. Who knows why?”
Pejic’s Melbourne agent, Matthew Anderson, confirmed the supermodel would have been available to fly from Paris and would have been thrilled to walk on his home-town’s catwalks after such a triumphant year overseas. He would have also been willing to negotiate a peppercorn fee. ”It would have made perfect sense,” Anderson said. ”He was ready. But that window finally closed 10 days ago. Now he’s booked elsewhere.”
According to industry sources, the possibility of Pejic walking, and even being the ”face” of the festival before actor Melissa George was appointed, had been the subject of discussion between his agency and festival organisers since late last year. ”Maybe they heard I don’t get out of bed for less than $10,” Pejic joked from Spain, where he is shooting a major fashion campaign for his typical ?5000-a-day ($A6800) fee. ”Or they might have thought I was a distraction and wanted to keep their event more local.”
There was some speculation among industry sources that Pejic’s strikingly androgynous look was considered inappropriate for the festival but creative director Grant Pearce denied that. ”He is an amazing phenomenon,” he said. ”I saw him walk in [menswear shows] in Milan and I’m well acquainted with his success. But it also has to fit in to what the festival’s about.”
Pearce claimed he was unaware Pejic had been offered to the festival for a peppercorn fee. ”There is no way, if that had been the case, that he wouldn’t be part of the festival.”

@темы: статьи, Andrej Pejic


Boy Drey

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Фотошут для Eleven paris SS 2011.
Красивый мальчуковый Андрушка)

за архив фоток спасибо fyeahandrejpejic:

@темы: фото, Andrej Pejic

"Just because I've become spiritual doesn't mean I can't love crocodile." - Tom Ford
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Интервью хорватской Gloria
предисловие стандартное, поэтому народ перевел только само интервью.
Перевод на английский Tinna с FS

перевод на русский  bee4

@темы: Andrej Pejic, интервью

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@темы: видео, Andrej Pejic

"Just because I've become spiritual doesn't mean I can't love crocodile." - Tom Ford

from nowfashion.com at Jean Paul Gaultier

UPD от 07.03.2011

@темы: backstage, фото, Andrej Pejic

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Оп -па!
British Designer John Galliano Deciding To Hire Andrej Pejic in 2011. Yet He keeps his decision safe for 2 more days.
пока источник таков

@темы: Andrej Pejic, треп, новости

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заголовок, конешно, сенсационный, но по вью видно, что стеб, так что не стоит пугаться тем, кого это бы напугало :eyebrow:


from Hilary Alexander

"Andrej Pejic revealed backstage at the Jean Paul Gaultier show in Paris last night that he would consider a sex-change for the hot American lingerie line, Victoria’s Secret - including a boob job.

“Yes, if I was offered a Victoria’s Secret contract,” said the flat-chested, teenage, ‘femiman’ icon. “You’d have to, wouldn’t you. I couldn’t imagine doing it any other way.

“But, at this point I’m comfortable with who I am now.”

Pejic has rocketed to fame since he made his first appearance as a gorgeous female model in Gaultier’s spring/summer 2011 collection in October, followed by an appearance as Gaultier’s ‘bride’ during the haute couture season in January.

Jean Paul Gaultier shows Andrej Pejic the love

Last night, moments before making his catwalk debut at the current Paris prêt-à-porter womenswear season, the blonde bombshell-without-boobs discussed his future career plans.

“There are options. With all the publicity, it’s opened a wide range of options, maybe a movie, maybe stuff on TV. “

The 19-year-old Serbian-Australian model has recently done the spring 2011 campigns for Marc by Marc Jacobs, as well as Gaultier, together with numerous editorial shoots with leading fashion photographers for i-D magazine, WWD Japan, Vogue Paris, and Zeit Magazine, among others.

Andrej Pejic: Who’s that boy?

His appearance, fully made-up and coiffed, is unsettling. The perfect complexion, bedroom eyes and Greek statue-like features, coupled with all the right poses, and with a nose for scenting a camera as highly developed as a tiger senses prey, all suggests total femininity, even if his long blonde hair has been teased into a French pleat*, and resembles what he calls “granny chic.” In every respect, from height to ironing-board chest, he is a “sister” to the hundreds of androgynous, but female models who man the catwalks.

He says he feels he looks like “a 1960’s housewife who ran away to Hollywood”, or else Dusty Springfield**, “yes, eternally.”

“It’s how I feel and it feels good,” he said of the rocket-propelled career that has seen him go from being talent-spotted in a fruit market in Melbourne, Australia - where he grew up - to global, if transitory fame.

Andrej Pejic: fashion blurs gender boundaries

“No, I wouldn’t have planned any of this or predicted it. But if that is what it takes for me to have a career in this industry, then why not?”

Pejic said he had always known he ‘looked like a girl’, but it had never worried him.

“I always experimented with hair and make-up, probably more extreme than I am now; pink Mohawks and things like that.”

Pejic also revealed that he is in line for a catwalk spot in one of the biggest fashion shows of this Paris season. Chanel? Louis Vuitton? Watch this space."

*French pleat - вид укладки волос
**Dusty Springfield - английская певица, популярная в 60-х годах
Шоу Шанель ожидается 8 марта, а Луи Виттон - 9))) Ждем?))

перевод на русский  bee4

@темы: Andrej Pejic, интервью, статья