Подтвердился прошедший ранее слух, что Андрея пригласили на прием к английской королеве в Букингемский дворец в числе еще нескольких известных австралийцев.

Androgynous model Andrej Pejic has built an international reputation by taking stunning photos in drag, and now he's being rewarded for his barrier-breaking career with an invite to one of the most exclusive and legitimizing experiences anyone in this world can have: a party with the Queen.

Queen Elizabeth II is taking a little vacay to Australia next month, and in honor of her trip, she's hosting a reception with some more prominent Australians at Buckingham Palace on October 13th. And Andrej Pejic was invited along to bask in her queenly glow.

The site Frockwriter decided to get the details on dress code, and called up Buckingham Palace to ask if Andrej Pejic, technically male, could wear a dress to the reception. The press rep told reporters that guests could totally just wear whatever: "The recommended dress code for receptions at Buckingham Palace is day dress/lounge suit. However, this is for guidance only and guests are welcome to wear whatever they feel comfortable in.”

I hope Andrej Pejic does wear a dress, but keeps it elegant and classy. I know this would never happen, but more than anything, I'd love to Pejic taking some style guidance from Duchess Catherine: an Issa dress, pumps, pair of stockings, and a pillbox hat would make a serious statement. And maybe the Royals have a sense of humor about themselves? Isn't that one of the requirements of gentility?
