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Андрей дал интервью редактору бразильского фэшн-портала FFW.

По словам редактора вью продуктивно. Андрушка внимателен. Друззя редактора уже пищат от восторга и клянуцо Андрушке в любви :alles:

UPD 1 Спасибо оперативным коллегам за перевод на английский :beg: Статья под фото.

@темы: Andrej Pejic, Fashion Rio Verao 2012, интервью, новости

04.06.2011 в 21:12

поправилсо :crazylove:
04.06.2011 в 21:13

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да, мордаха сытая)) Ты беременного Андрушку уже видела?
04.06.2011 в 21:19

Bee4 паказывай срочно :popcorn:
04.06.2011 в 21:23

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Notti Blask осторожно с попкорном))) МПРГ :preg:
в комментах
04.06.2011 в 21:35

Long lost Tremor sister
Андрушка запеканок где-то нажралсо смачно. :rom:
04.06.2011 в 21:39

или кто-то его по вечерам балует :eyebrow:
04.06.2011 в 21:43

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cocaLoca ну, явно не у мамки :eyebrow:
04.06.2011 в 21:45

Long lost Tremor sister
sugar daddy вывел в люди? :rom:
04.06.2011 в 21:53

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cocaLoca там скорее sugar pride :crzdrink:
04.06.2011 в 22:36

04.06.2011 в 22:45

Ну, или переводчик вам в помощь.
Ага, значит он заявил, что в Рио красивые мужчины, они ему понравились. Он хотел бы приехать в Рио снова, на карнавал. В конце вью, когда его спросили, как он видит свою жизнь лет через десять, заявил, что закончит колледж, купит квартиру и возьмет ребенка. Потом добавил что по одному с каждого континента. :gh:
04.06.2011 в 22:46

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Iren Loxley и сказал, что ночью тусил в гей клубе.
04.06.2011 в 22:53

ночью тусил в гей клубе.

совсем не бережет себя. в его то интересном положении надо внимательнее относиться к своему здоровью, а он сразу же поперся к горячим бразильским парням.
04.06.2011 в 23:10

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Iren Loxley так его цвет и размер. не удержалсо. спасибо за фотку)
04.06.2011 в 23:21

Вью на англицком


Star of the newest campaigns Marc Jacobs and Jean Paul Gaultier, the androgynous model Bosnian Andrej Pejic (@Andrej_Pejic) is among us. He arrived in Rio on the night of Friday (03.06) to make the parade Ausländer terminating this Fashion Rio

Summer 2012. Animated, threw himself at a restaurant in Farme (traditional gay haven in Ipanema) and went on the traditional Le Boy.
Face flushed, Gaultier jacket, skirt, leggings and black boots, received the FFW portal in the rooftop pool of the hotel where you are staying in Ipanema. Voice sweet and kind gestures, posed for pictures and chatted with Felipe Abe portal FFW.

In the following interview, he talks about the things he loves most in life, recalls the days of war in his childhood, he tells of his first foray into night in Rio, will pass by a carnival here and get surprised by being told by FFW that the Zombie Boy is also in the parade. Check!

What did you do before being a model? How was your entry into fashion?

I had just graduated from high school and i was studying law for college, when my agent suggested that i have to travel to Europe. It happened …

You have been photographed and traveled extensively on behalf of the profession, tell me what photographers and favorite places do you have ?

I love Paris, Tokyo,i lived in London for a while, I had many good opportunities. The Juergen Teller [he photographed with a Marc by Marc Jacobs in Marrakesh] is wonderful. Also Mert & Marcus. And Terry Richardson for sure.

What kind of things amuses you ?

Definitely I love to party . And to travel, to read. I like the classics and newspapers, I read about politics. I love electro and Hercules & Love Affair.

Have you had time to take a walk here in Rio?

Yes! I went to a restaurant on that street gay, Farme [of Amoedo] and Le Boy too. It was really fun! The men are beautiful and hope to see more! [Laughs]. It’s funny to be here in Rio because it’s one of those places that I dreamed to visit since my childhood . I wanted to come here at the Carnival …

Did you have any problems because of your androgynous look?

I studied in a liberal college and very good, so it never got problems. I didn’t realize people too odd or anything, but my friends sometimes let me know. If I want to go through girl, I get a good one too!

Rick Genest, Zombie Boy, will also march to Ausländer …

I did not know! [Big grin on his face]. Can’t wait, I think it will be very interesting.

Do you think models like him and you, who have visual unconventional, helps to open a little people’s heads?

It is a difficult question to answer … [stops and thinks a moment] I think a certain way, yes. As people are being exposed to different looks, it becomes more normal in their lives.

You were born in Bosnia in the ’90s, Do you have any memory about the war?

I was born in 1991, two months before the start of the conflict and then went to Serbia. I remember the bombings, I had eight years, I think. And I thank my mother and grandmother who protected me and my brother. It was a rough time economically too, we didn’t live under the best conditions. But fortunately I have no injuries or sequelae.

There’s something special you’d like to do here in Rio?

[Turns back and target the edge of Ipanema] Lying on the beach, go to the Sugar Loaf … It would be nice.

How do you see your life in ten years? Do you think about that?

I think it would go to a college, buy an apartment and adopt children! One from each continent!
04.06.2011 в 23:37

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Iren Loxley ага, я нашла) спасибо)

imagebam.com imagebam.com
05.06.2011 в 01:41

The color of money drives me crazy(c)
блин, ладонь между ног греет, типично женский жест)))))))))))0

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