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Model Andrej's mum: "I trust him"
Local News, By Matt Akersten, 28th September, 2011
He’s one of the world’s most sought-after models – and the mother of Melbourne 19-year-old Andrej Pejic says she’s happy for him, but admits concerns about his health.
“He’s incredibly beautiful,” Jadranka Pejic (pictured with Andrej) says of her son’s modeling shoots and catwalk appearances in women’s high-fashion couture.
The proud mum keeps a scrapbook of clippings from Andrej’s jet-setting career. “He is always flying between Europe and new York, and often does 10 castings in a day, plus interviews and late-night parties. He’s exhausted,” she fretted to Woman’s Day.
But would mum be OK with it if her son decided to physically transition into a women?
“If it makes him happy, I would support him,” she considers. “We don’t judge. We trust him.
“But he’s still my baby and I miss him.”
Jadranka is more concerned about her son’s meager diet: “I say to him, ‘What have you eaten? You’re so skinny.’ I’m pleased things are going well for him, but the worry is killing me!”
Andrej recently admitted he adheres to a strict low-calorie eating regime so he can fit into the tiniest gowns. “Let’s be honest. You can’t eat much if you want to do this,” he confessed. “To do womenswear I have to be disciplined.”
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Model Andrej's mum: "I trust him"
Local News, By Matt Akersten, 28th September, 2011
He’s one of the world’s most sought-after models – and the mother of Melbourne 19-year-old Andrej Pejic says she’s happy for him, but admits concerns about his health.
“He’s incredibly beautiful,” Jadranka Pejic (pictured with Andrej) says of her son’s modeling shoots and catwalk appearances in women’s high-fashion couture.
The proud mum keeps a scrapbook of clippings from Andrej’s jet-setting career. “He is always flying between Europe and new York, and often does 10 castings in a day, plus interviews and late-night parties. He’s exhausted,” she fretted to Woman’s Day.
But would mum be OK with it if her son decided to physically transition into a women?
“If it makes him happy, I would support him,” she considers. “We don’t judge. We trust him.
“But he’s still my baby and I miss him.”
Jadranka is more concerned about her son’s meager diet: “I say to him, ‘What have you eaten? You’re so skinny.’ I’m pleased things are going well for him, but the worry is killing me!”
Andrej recently admitted he adheres to a strict low-calorie eating regime so he can fit into the tiniest gowns. “Let’s be honest. You can’t eat much if you want to do this,” he confessed. “To do womenswear I have to be disciplined.”
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